Built-in Vs. Attached Garage: Which is Better?

When deciding the layout and design of a garage, you can usually make it part of your house or keep it as a separate structure. This is where the two popular terms, attached and detached (garages), come in. As the terms imply, a standalone structure is a detached garage, while one integrated into the house … Read more

Why is My Garage Door Sensor Blinking Red

Garage doors are not only used as entrances to pack your vehicles and do repairs but also offer immense security to your garage tools and equipment. However, the doors are subject to breakage over time, and because they are heavy, they can cause massive injuries to you, your family, or even your pets when they … Read more

How Much Horsepower Do I Need For a 2-Car Garage Door?

Garage door openers come in different horsepower ratings for various garage door sizes. You must match your garage door size with the correct opener horsepower to get the most out of it. For instance, buying an opener with less power than your garage door can result in too much strain on the motor, leading to … Read more